Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Few Pictures From the Past Week

Here are a few pictures from the past few days.  We have been exhaustedly busy here and I haven't had time to set down what we've been up to.  But that will come soon enough if not by tonight.
St. Francis House where the interns stay.  My room is the window at the top where the roof comes together.

The living room as you walk through the front door.  The couch where I like to lay out and read in the mornings and evenings.  And the new fireplace to the far right just out of site of the capture.
The kitchen is one of my favorite places.  It's where we all come together and talk whether we're eating or not.  The ceiling currently houses our supply of dried oregano, which I'll be using with my tuna paraphernalia.  This is where I'm sitting currently on my new wireless network!
A view of our garden - I've now learned quite a few of the plant names and how they grow and when they should be harvested.  It's exciting to go out to the garden rather than a 7-eleven for my lunch.
My favorite plant, a pepper.  Something about the slender leaves and clean seed pod.
My room that looks over the garden.
The recently built chapel where we have regular prayer in the mornings and evenings as well as weekly poetry readings from the interns.
The Quabbin Reservoir - me and Dana.